2018 is on fire at the Haygoods!! Kicking off our 26th season in Branson, we have a show full of fun, new, crazy, exciting surprises for you!
Michael’s been working on BRAND NEW special effects (think MORE fire!), there are brand new songs (think modern, original and some favorites coming back!), there are new costumes (think glittery, sparkly, and shimmer), and a there’s a VERY excited Dominic who is all healed up after his surgery last year and is super stoked to be back up-front with Banjo Boy!
Starting this week we’re back to three shows a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights) at 7:30 for our 5th season at the Clay Cooper Theater! Branson is hoppin’ for spring break and you don’t want to miss it!
This is set to be our biggest season yet, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Come hang with us and help us celebrate year number 26 in Branson! (Oh, and send us YOUR pictures with US for the all new 2018 Fan Book! Send them to: webmaster@thehaygoods.com )