Zipping around stage in his red boots and motorized recliner…or flying from the rafters in his jet pack, Banjo Boy is sure to make every Haygood audience member smile … and Dominic cringe and stomp his feet (at least 3 nights a week…we won’t vouch for what happens at other family gatherings!).
Born on a hot summer night in the middle of a show in 2012, the legend of Banjo Boy happened true to form…during one of Dominic’s monologues. Tim remembers, “I started tuning my banjo while Dominic was talking. Dominic didn’t like that very much so he made a sly comment to me and I played a banjo lick as a response! The crowd roared and that’s how the entire thing got started…”
The fun continued as the other brothers got involved. Michael added his technical genius to the mix and soon Banjo Boy had almost-street-legal coolers to ride on, boom lifts decorated in Christmas lights, jet packs to fly in, and his coveted camouflage recliner to race in. It’s a hard choice to pick your favorite!
Banjo Boy’s red boots are a trademark, and sure enough, they really did belong to Mom! “Nobody makes red cowboy boots for men!” Tim says, “But Mom had some!” This season there’s even a special salute to Mom on the bottom of those well-loved boots.
You won’t find red boots for sale (yet) in the Haygoods gift shop, but you can sure find Banjo Boy t-shirts and other memorabilia. And keep up with Banjo Boy on Facebook … he’d love to be your friend AND keep you up to date on the Haygood fun on and off stage in Branson!