25th Anniversary Haygoods Christmas Show

It’s feeling like the perfect fall outside in the Ozarks! We know what that means…we’re neck deep in late night Christmas rehearsals! And more than that….Christmas starts soon! Thursday, November 2nd is our opening 25th Anniversary Christmas Celebration show…and we want YOU there! 



This year’s holiday season is extra special to all of us, not just because we have new songs, new costumes, new lights, new dance numbers and more surprises on stage…but because we have new babies, new family members home for the holidays and so many extra special reasons to celebrate this year.



But…speaking of the new Christmas show, you definitely won’t want to miss what’s been keeping Michael up all night the last few weeks…brand new lights on the set, er, in the set…, new fire sparklers, and new lights on costumes! This set will blow you away with the crazy stuff he’s made happen!



Cat and Dom have been working hard on new costumes for the whole gang, with new surprises you’ll definitely want to watch for!



Tim, Pat, Dom, Shawn and Matt have been putting the finishing touches on the new songs and dance numbers…all the stops are being pulled out for everyone this Christmas! Come see us, celebrate with us and finish out the crazy ride that 2017 has been with us!



Call TODAY for tickets, because they’re going faster than Rudolph on Christmas eve! Banjo Claus wants to see you there!