Loving our past, and looking to the future … Time Traveler! For 57 years Silver Dollar City has brought family fun, excitement and adventure to the Ozarks, and in Spring of 2018, the fun gets even bigger! “Time Traveler”, the newest roller coaster is on its way to completion and the fun and excitement are just beginning!
Get ready for magnetic controlled spinning cars, a 90-degree vertical drop right from the loading dock and 10 stories of gravity driven fun! This is the tallest, fastest, steepest roller coaster in the world, launching you from 0 to 47 mph in 3 seconds, and topping out at speeds of 50.3 miles per hour! This speed barrier breaking ride will turn riders upside down 3 times, send them through a 95-foot vertical loop and a zero-G roll with a double launch … all while spinning 360 degrees.
Created and built by MACK Rides based in Germany, this $26-million dollar project is the biggest reveal that Silver Dollar City has ever had. With a steampunk and time traveler theme, this ride is dedicated to the dreamers and believers. Inspiring people to “dream big, do good, and believe that the impossible is always possible.”
Watch construction happening right now at the park, and get your ticket to ride starting Spring of 2018! You know the Haygoods will be there!